
I Can Present







Case Study


macOS  Network installation. Please make sure you are using the correct version of I Can Present for your version of macOS.

You can deploy the application in the normal way for your network. (Note for macOSX earlier than 10.14, other resources are required, see below;

          Install the I Can Present application to a computer. You will need to have administrator access rights.

          Register the software using the licence key you have been provided with. Please note the licence is a legal document that

         allows you to install and run the application. keep it in a safe place. For macOS 10.15 and later you wil need an internet

          connection to register and activate I Can Present.

          Deploy the I Can Animate application to the Applications folder on the other machines on the network.

          Mac OS X 10.7 and above, the folders and registration file can be found in;

        Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/I Can Present

          Copy these to the same location on each of the network machines.