Podcaster is a Universal Binary
PC - Windows

(Q) I have bought a serial number from the online store, but can't seem to register the software.

When you purchase a serial number via our online reseller Kagi, you will receive an email from them containing important information, the Name and Serial Number you should use in order to register. These details must be entered exactly as they appear in the eMail including all the spaces, punctuation marks and charatcers that you originally used.

You must also be logged onto the computer as the administrator in order to register it correctly.

You must enter the details exactly as they appear in the email you have been sent.

The email will have information similar to that shown below:


    Name: Richard Thomas Francis Mangle

    Serial Number: 1234-5678-9101-2345

You need to enter this information into the Name and Serial Number fields respectively. You must not enter a different name into the Name field.

(Q) M4A/M4B files in my podcast cannot be downloaded in iTunes?

This difficulty is relevant for users operating podcasts on Microsoft FTP servers. Establish if your FTP host is a Microsoft system. If so, it must be configured to allow the downloading of these two types of files. MOV/MP3 etc. should not be effected by this limitation.

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